Satoshi Nolamoto

Build Base Better

The mysterious forces of chaos that may bring down entire blockchains may also take unexpectedly optimistic turns to deliver heroes when we least expect yet are most in need of them! Nolana is a project that arrived on the Base chain just as the stars began to align here. Join us on our journey into Nolana Nation.

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The Origin Story

On February 6, 2024, the Solana Network was down for 5 hours, which by chance coincided with a new Base Network telegram group that had just been created for sharing meme coins and was experience a flood of new members. Someone threw a joke out to the group asking a dev to make a Nolana token for the network outage - and to our surprise, an anon dev (aka Satoshi Nolamoto) deployed it just 5 minutes later.

Despite initial marketcap of only $600 and no liquidity lock from our mystery dev, the chat members cautiosly took a chance, and soon buys were rolling in nonstop. Realizing the much greater potential, the community quickly stepped up with a logo, telegram, twitter, and website. Meanwhile, our mystery dev saw the community forming and graciously locked the LP and burned the 0.6% of tokens in the deployer wallet. Even as the SOL network returned, Nolana was already becoming a movement, the Nolana Nation. Hence, the TG mods decided to create a proper team group, donation wallet, and begin our evolution into something even greater.

The Evolution

While Nolana Nation was becoming a thriving and inspiring community of dedicated supporters, we also began some soul searching as we knew that a blockchain rivalry was great as a joke during the downtime, was too negative and was also counter to the image of both the community and the Base chain as a whole.

Forging a new identity, we envisioned Nolana not as a joke poking fun at other chains, but as a champion of the values that we hope to foster here on Base, as many holders have migrated here in search of something more positive. Thus, our hero mascot represents unity across like-minded Base chain projects. A meme evolved into an ideology and facilitator for a base of support and unity in the emerging Base Szn.


$NOL Base network token
Transaction Taxes

0% taxes on all $NOL buys/sells.

Total Supply

100,000,000,000 $Nol

Token Distribution

As a fair stealth, there are no team tokens or presale.

LP Lock
CA: 0x0c30E2BE66EB6F5D5827A5b8a51d94107786589c

Project is funded 100% by the community. Thank you, supporters!


In Progress.

During the launch week we all witnessed lighting in a bottle as this anomoly exploded, which inspired the core community to develop the project well into the future.

Until a long term goals are determined by the community, we are focused on the following short term goals for initial growth:

  • Continuous social media engagement from both the team and the community
  • Outreach to Base projects for partnerships and cross-promotional activities
  • Coingecko and CMC listings
  • Meme contests and similar activities to develop deeper community growth and participation
  • Much more to come!